Protective & Restraining Orders

Adult Protective Orders

Adult Protective Orders

There are two types of adult protective orders: ex parte protective orders and full protective orders. An ex parte protective order temporarily protects you from abuse, sets a hearing date within 20 days. A full protective order can give you more protection and the court can set it for a longer duration. Read More

Child Protective Orders

Child Protective Orders

Similar to an adult protective order, it is a court order that has both civil and criminal provisions, usually restraining somebody from having contact with the child or from having unsupervised contact (or in some way limiting the contact between a child and the respondent). Read More

Restraining Orders

Restraining Orders

In Utah, there is a distinct difference between restraining orders and protection orders. Restraining orders are not a separate action, but generally part of an existing legal action like a divorce or paternity case. Protection orders are stand-alone actions that can be filed by victims of domestic violence, spousal abuse or general harassment. In some circumstances it is more advantageous to seek a restraining order, rather than a protective order. Read More

Call For Details (801) 899-6977

Family Law Attorney in Provo, Utah - Kelly Peterson

Based out of Provo and serving clients in Utah

At Kelly Peterson Law, we care about our clients. Our team isn't just solely focused on resolving their legal disputes -- we also sit down with them and listen to their concerns. We want to find the ideal solutions that can help each of our clients to rebuild their lives, and move forward to a more positive, and peaceful future. Our team is equipped to provide families with the most effective, and affordable legal services, regardless of what the legal disputes might be.

Contact us to make arrangements for a consultation: (801) 899-6977.


  • "He is an extraordinary attorney, and stands out among the attorneys in this area. In my experience, Mr. Peterson has always been well prepared for any case in which he takes a position. He does his homework, meets with his clients, and is reasonable, as well as smart in his..."

    – Lori Fowlke
  • "I am impressed by Kelly’s work ethic and efficiency. He works extremely hard and is always ultra prepared for his court hearings and trials. He has refined his system of investigating and case preparation to be extremely efficient and effective. Kelly is respected by the..."

    – R. John Moody
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